It is founded: Efremov a radio club Ether. Stands out: For carrying out of bilaterial QSOs on band of 2 meters, 70 and 23 centimeters all kinds of modulation. It is authorized to spend QSOs, using all kinds of passage: TROPO, ES, AURORA, MS, FAI, EME, IONO, except for QSOs with use of active retransmitters. For the Russian radio amateurs it is necessary to type 100 points. For other radio amateurs it is necessary to type 50 points. (thus for them QSOs are set off only with the stations which are being in territory of Russia.) The QSO with the same correspondent is set off, if he works from other big square or on other band. To the applicant QSOs which he has lead are set off, being in borders of one big square. Each big square is set off on each band once. One big WW a square: on 2 meter range gives 1 points, on 70 sm - 2 points, on 23 sm - 3 points. All QSOs should be confirmed QSL by cards. QSOs are set off, since 1992. The application made, on the basis of received QSL, in alphabetic order on squares, it is necessary to send to address of the award-manager together with QSL-cards. The application is accepted to consideration only after reception of payment. Payment of the diploma: For the Russian radio amateurs - 150 roubles are carried out by the postal order, For other radio amateurs - 10 IRC. The application and payment to direct to the address of: RC3P |
The received applications for the awards and the sent awards Order form on the diploma «RUSSIAN VHF TROPHY» The Notes to Rules: - A Correspondence to of the application for diploma his condition can notarize any owner of this diploma. He must check the correspondence to QSL card to demand and notarize its signature, having indicated number got by him diploma. -At direction of the demand right in award commission,possible instead of QSL катрочек to present their is rolled down or copies, on which must obviously it be examined the call sign and given about QSO. - A Competitor can declare that squares,which is confirmed report participant contest on VHF memories G.RUMYANCEVA UA1DZ and Cup 1296, without granting QSL. - A award commission leaves for itself right to require the original any QSL-cards. |
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- Категория: «R VHF C»
- Просмотров: 304