The diploma "Efremov 380" is founded by Efremov radio club in honor of the 380th anniversary from the date of foundation of the city. For obtaining the diploma it is necessary to spend 20 QSO on HF ranges or 5 QSO on VHF ranges, with radio fans of sity Efremov and Efremov district with 1/1/2017 on 12/31/2017 years. Also radio communications with Efremov living in other cities (R1LM, R2PW, RM5P, RQ3P, RA3XP, UA3PAM, UB3PBB, RA9FUE) and the radio nonresident fans who are territorially in Efremov district are set off. QSO with RC3P is set off for 5 QSO. The radio communications which are carried out on all HF and VHF ranges are set off. Repetitions are allowed on different ranges and different mode. For SWL conditions of obtaining the diploma are similar. It is desirable for the radio nonresident fans who are temporarily working from Efremov district to provide the log to the degree manager. The diploma free is also issued in electronic form. The application is formed on the basis of an extract from the log and is sent to the address Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. List of call signs of Efremov and Efremov district: R3PIY, R3PP, R3PW, R5PJ, RA3PBW, RA3PBY, RA3PFN, RA3PHO, RA3PJS, RA3PPH, RA3PPI, RC3P, RD3P, RD3PT, RG3P, RM2P, RM3P, RW3PG, RX3P, UA3PCJ, UA3PKU, UA3PLI, UA3PMT, UA3PMV, UA3PNL, UA3POM, UA3PPO, UA3PPX, UA3PSI, UA3PSJ, UA3PVT, UB3PAH, UB3PDB, UB3PDE, UB3PDF
Дата последнего обновления
11.12.2016 |